Independence Day greetings for Antigua and Barbuda

Hello Everyone,
1st November, 2012 was the 31st Independence Day of beautiful and exotic twin island nation Antigua and Barbuda. This year the Independence Day theme was 'Antigua & Barbuda One Family: Uniting For A Cleaner, Greener and More Productive Nation.'  Here are the Independence Day greetings.

Carmen Massiah from Antigua says:
Happy 31st Independence Day to the people of Antigua and Barbuda. God bless!

Sara Batool from Pakistan says:
Happiest Independence Day to the people of Antigua and Barbuda.

Sara Batool tweets at @SaraTirmizi

Trip Antigua from Antigua says:
Happy 31st Independence Anniversary Antigua & Barbuda!

Trip Antigua tweets at @tripantigua

Lis Quynhfa from Brunei  Darussalam says:
Wishing HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY OF ANTIGUA & BARBUDA(1ST NOVEMBER)to all Antiguan & Barbudan citizens

Renée H from Antigua and Barbuda says:
Happy Independence to my home - Antigua and Barbuda !!!! 31 years :)

Renée H tweets at @Wadadli_Kat

Shilpa Sane from India says:
Happy to you people of Antigua and Barbuda! :D

Saj Mack from Atlanta says:
Happy Independence to my beautiful twin islands and

Saj Mack tweets at
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